Our Purpose
The Morris County Bar Association is a professional association of attorneys and members of the judiciary who live in and/or practice law in Morris County. The objectives of the Association are as follows: to maintain the honor and dignity of the profession of law; to promote an understanding of the law and its application in society; to foster the due administration of justice; and to promote the capacity of the Bar for public service, particularly the provision of reduced fee legal services in appropriate cases.
The Charter members of what would become the Morris County Bar Association met at the Morris County Courthouse on January 10, 1900 to elect a chairman and to pass a motion to draft a constitution and by-laws of the proposed organization. The first annual meeting was held on May 1, 1900 (coincidentally, now observed nationwide as "Law Day").

The Morris County Bar Association is founded and supported by legal counsel in your community. See the roster of our Officers & Trustees.