In preparation for the Quasquicentennial (125th) Anniversary of the Morris County Bar Association, President Christopher Schellhorn worked with current and former MCBA Officers and Trustees to review and revise the MCBA’s By-Laws, which were last amended in May 2009.
The proposed revisions and amendments to the By-Laws were considered by the Board of Trustees on February 13, 2025. Pursuant to Article XI of the current By-Laws, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve recommendation of the proposed revisions and amendments.
Morris County Bar Association Members in good standing will be asked to vote and approve the amended By-Laws at the Annual Installation and Awards Dinner on April 10, 2024.
The proposed MCBA By-Laws can be found here: MCBA By Laws - PROPOSED February 2025. The proposed MCBA By-Laws (redline version) can be found here: MCBA By Laws - PROPOSED February 2025 [REDLINE]
Upon request of any member in good standing, a copy of the proposed amendments will be sent through regular mail.
If you have any questions regarding the proposed revisions, please contact MCBA President Christopher Schellhorn at To request a copy of proposed By-Law amendments by regular mail, please contact MCBA Executive Director Deborah Woodbury at