
Morris County Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service has referred over 1,000 potential clients to its members on average in each of the past four years. Register now.

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Lawyer Referral Service Facts

  • Annual membership is only $200
  • Members can select up to three practice areas for referrals
  • Consultations with potential clients are not free, as thirty minute consultations can be billed at up to $50.  All other time is billed at the member's discretion
  • LRS does not set the fee members can bill clients other than the first thirty minutes of the consultation
  • The LRS phone number and information appears on every summonses served in New Jersey
  • Many of the clients LRS refers to members are from clients searching for counsel on the internet
  • LRS is an excellent way for less experienced attorneys to generate business

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Looking for a lawyer? Fill out our Online Request Form and be paired with the right lawyer for your case.



Fill out our Request Form.

Register for Our LRS Program

Interested in joining the Lawyer Referral Service? Simply fill out our LRS Membership Form.



Fill out our LRS Membership Form.

Reduced Fee Referral Program

Extend your services to people who cannot afford to pay attorneys fees at ordinary rates, or to those who do not qualify for free legal assistance.


Fill out our Reduced Fee Referral Form.