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If you believe the money owed to you is $5,000 or less, consider filing a claim in Small Claims Court. Because procedures in Small Claims are simpler than in other courts, a person can file and present their case relatively quickly and inexpensively, and often without an attorney. Get more information here for matters not involving motor vehicles. For small claims matters involving motor vehicles, get more information here.

If you believe the money owed to you is more than $5,000, but less than $20,000, you can file your matter (or defend a case brought against you) in the Special Civil Part Court. For information on filing a Special Civil suit, defending yourself in a suit, essential forms, filing fees and fee waivers, preparing for trial, appealing a Special Civil Part case, collecting your money and frequently asked questions, click here.

For more information outlining the court process for Landlord-Tenant cases, click here.

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